Friday, April 7, 2023

Apprentice History Week 6

 This week you will be spending HOURS and HOURS on your History Fair project. Because of that our regular assignments have been trimmed down to one hour of effort -- we need to finish our timelines for the year and we need to read up on the Civil War so you're ready to have fun in class!

Don't forget though: It's history week so that means VANBUCKS for MIRACLES. One buck for every miracle recorded on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Also, don't forget to study your notecards :) 

So here we go:

Study and Learn:
Read pages 72- 86 in the DK Encyclopedia book-- This is more pages than usual but there was a lot going on in America leading up to the Civil War so there is a lot of information to cover! If you've been attending masters classes a lot of this information will feel familiar to you (Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and Gettysburg for example). Read it carefully,  we will have a class game (or quiz) about this info. Take notes or share what you learn with the family at dinner, whatever helps to get the information to stick. 

Know and Understand:
Time to COMPLETE our timeline of early American History! Add these dates and then BRING your timeline to class. You will each stand up and show us your finished product :D

Dates and descriptions to add: 
1850 - Compromise of 1850
1860 - Lincoln becomes president
1861- Secession 
July 20, 1861- First battle of the Civil War
April 1865 - Surrender at Appomattox
April 1865 - Lincoln is Assasinated


The only thing due in class on Thursday related to your history fair project is your research paper.

Turn in your typed AND printed research paper to me at the beginning of class. 

I MUST have these on Thursday, I'll be passing them along to our research judge and they will need time to read them and adjucate them. 

Remember, there is no minimum or maximum pages, just give me the research that will be put on your trifold board. This should not be a slew of facts, this should read like a research paper where you are teaching your audience. Remember, this should be all in  your own words, no copy and pasting which is plagarism. 

You will be judged on the quality of your research, scholarly quality that shows depth and is interesting to the reader will gain higher points than basic and general level research. 

Have any questions?? TEXT or call! You can also check the blog post all about the rules and regulations for the history fair to see if your questions can be answered there :) 


If you haven't yet watched this message from President Nelson on forgiveness then I would like you to watch it now. If you HAVE already watched it then you get to watch it again. As you watch ponder how his words apply to you and what personal action you need to take to live more fully what he is talking about. This is a powerful message, I hope you take this assignment seriously :) 

Watch HERE

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