Thursday, January 14, 2021

History Month #4: Ancient Greece and Rome


Study and Learn:

- Print the note cards and study month 4. You can find them here. 

-Read the following chapters from our history texts: 

STOW, Book 1: Chapters 18-21

7 Tipping Points, Chapter 2

STOW, Book 1: Chapters 22-25, 27-29, 34-36, 40-42

STOW, Book 2: Chapter 1

As you finish each chapter make a blurb, doodle some notes or write up some bullet points -- any creative way you want to keep the highlights from the chapter in your commonplace book. I might ask to see your notes on Thursday, hint hint. 

- For $5 Vanbucks list each date you come across in your reading on your timeline. I'll count how many dates I come across and check your timelines so don't miss any :D 

Know and Understand:

Choose ONE of the following and be prepared to present for 3-5 minutes about it:

In chapter 20 of our reading we learn that ancient greeks loved dancing. Learn a dance from ancient Greece and either dance for the class or teach it to the class.

We will be having an Italian feast for lunch in honor of our study of Rome (spaghetti, meatballs, bread and salad), create a traditional Italian OR Greek food to contribute to our feast. Teach us about the food you brought. Text me what you're bringing so we don't have doubles :)

Create a piece of art, music or poetry that sums up something you learned about Rome or Greece. Be prepared to share the art and an explanation of why your art is significant/how it represents what you learned.

Or sign up HERE to do a creative report on a subject from our reading. 


We are finishing up our work on our person in the ancient scriptures project! Review your studies/notes about your person from the last 3 months to prepare for your assignment.

- Summarize ONE specific lesson you learned from your person. What stands out to you the most? What lesson did they teach you that gives you strength or builds your testimony? How is that knowledge going to help you in your life? If you have questions about this assignment please feel free to contact me, we're going to share these in class this week :)