Monday, November 20, 2017

Jan 2018 Apprentice

January 2018 Apprentice

"Generating the Light"
The Founding of America


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 3 Ch. 3 (King James's Town), 6, 15, 21

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book

3 - Define the following in your commonplace book:
     - Enlightenment
     - Age of Reason
     - French & Indian War
     - indentured servant 

4 - Read this article by Elder Robert D Hales from Oct 2005.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.

5 - Watch this video.  It pulls it all together and gets us up to speed.  

OPTIONAL: Watch this series: "Crash Course US History".   (Episodes 1-5 get up to this point in history.  Each episode is about 12 minutes long.)  It's pretty entertaining, but beware that he's a little irreverent and sarcastic.  He also talks really fast!  But I learned a lot from it.  



- Make and bring a food (one dish per family) that could have been served at the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth.  We will be having the First Thanksgiving at lunch today.  Make sure you do your research, they didn't have things like pie crust in the 1600's.   Make it authentic.


- Make a model or large map of one of the early colonies (Plymouth, Jamestown, St. Augustine, New Amsterdam, etc).  Bring it to class to show and explain.

- Do a hero report on one of the colony leaders during this time period.  Dress up like that person and come prepared to present in class.

- Write a journal entry as someone who lived in one of the early American colonies.  Describe your daily life, what you do and eat?  Where you live, etc?  Do your research and give us a lot of details, but don't bore us.  Bring it to read to the class.


Elder Hales said:

"Religious persecution [caused many people] to seek freedom in new lands. Among them were the Pilgrims, who landed in the Americas in 1620... Other colonists soon followed, including those like Roger Williams, founder and later governor of Rhode Island, who continued to search for Christ’s true Church. Williams said that there was no regularly constituted church of Christ on earth, nor any person authorized to administer any church ordinance, nor could there be until new Apostles were sent by the great Head of the church, for whose coming he was seeking.

The Lord expects us to be as faithful, as devoted, as courageous as those who went before us. They were called to give their lives for the gospel. We are called to live our lives for the same purpose. In these last days we have special reason to do so.

Before that sacred night in Bethlehem [when the Savior was born], the events of history and the words of the prophets of all dispensations prepared the way for the first coming of the Lord and His Atonement. Similarly, history and prophecy laid the groundwork for the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Do we have eyes to see that the events and prophecies of our time are preparing us for the Savior’s Second Coming?"

As we study history, we see that every major event that happens is either working towards or because of an important event in the Kingdom of God on the earth.  He has a plan fro the beginning and we see His hand as things progress to His end, the Second Coming of the Savior.  

Look in your scriptures for signs of the Savior's second coming.  Journal about how you are preparing the earth for his reign.  How are you living your life for the gospel of Christ?

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Jan 2018 Journeyman

The 13 Colonies


Choose ONE of the original 13 colonies to teach the class about.  Tell us:
  • Who founded the colony?
  • What year?
  • For what nation?
  • Who were some notable citizens of that colony?
  • What are some pros and cons of independence from England for this colony?
  • What was the main occupation of the citizens of this colony?
  • Bring a food item to class to share with everyone that represents your colony

Teach us whatever else you would like.  Bring maps and charts for class members to glue in their commonplace books.  Give us as much detail as you can about this colony.  We are laying the framework to understand the disagreements the colonies had with each other when the writing of the Constitution came around.

Email Sis. Fontano which one you want so we don't double up:

  • Delaware-Mack
  • Massachusetts -Paige
  • New Jersey-Sarah
  • Georgia- Harmony
  • Connecticut- Tara
  • Maryland-
  • South Carolina
  • New Hampshire-Jessica
  • Virginia- Kate
  • New York-Elena
  • North Carolina
  • Rhode Island-Jacob

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Jan 2018 Master

William Penn


1 - Watch this video: "Philadelphia: The Great Experiment

2 - Read the Screw Tape Letters by C.S. Lewis.    

3 - Watch this short video: "How Quakerism Began"



- Find a quote you like by William Penn.  Make a wall hanging for your wall so that you can hang it up and see it everyday.  Why do you like this quote so much?  Why does it speak to you?  Journal your answers in your common place book and bring your wall hanging to class to share.

- Do a character T-chart on William Penn.  What character trait does he have that you would like to have more of?  How did Penn develop that trait?  How can you develop that trait in yourself?  Set a goal to work on that trait this week.  Be prepared to teach the class what you learned.

- Watch this video, "Top 7 Most Quaker Bible Verses".  Which verse if your favorite?  Write this verse in your commonplace book and journal for 10 minutes on how you can better live it in your life.  Come to class prepared to share the 7 verses and which was your favorite.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Nov 2017 Apprentice

November 2017 Apprentice

"Light of Christ"
The Reformation


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 34, 36

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book

3 - Define the following in your commonplace book:
     - Indulgence
     - Reformation
     - Counter Reformation

4 - Read the article, "Preparing for the Restoration", found here.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.

5 - Read ONE of the following articles and come prepared to discuss it in class.   Journal about your favorite parts in your commonplace book:  (if you would like a well rounded education, you can read them all.)



Choose 1 of the following and do  a 3-5 minute presentation on it for the class.  E-mail Sis. Fontano who you choose so we don't double up. (  

  • Nonconformists
  • Lutherans-Ben
  • Methodists-Luke
  • Baptists-Daisy
  • Mennonites- Kate
  • Presbyterian
  • Protestant-Sarah
  • Quakers-Kylee
  • Puritans-Jessica
  • Anglicans-Chris
  • John Wesley-Tara
  • John Wycliffe-Mack
  • John Hus
  • Savonarola-Paige
  • Peter Waldo-Amanda
  • John Calvin-Sam
  • John Knox-Caleb
  • Martin Luther-Jaykob
  • William Tyndale-Jayson
  • Huldrych Zwingli


Elder Robert D. Hales said this of the scriptures:

"As with voices from the dust, the prophets of the Lord cry out to us on earth today: take hold of the scriptures! Cling to them, walk by them, live by them, rejoice in them, feast on them. Don’t nibble. They are “the power of God unto salvation” that lead us back to our Savior Jesus Christ."

How important are the scriptures to you?  How often do you use them?  Are they sitting on your shelf gathering dust?  

Find 2 quotes from leaders of the church about the scriptures.  How often should we be reading in them?  Why?

Set a goal to do better.  If you are reading every week, set a goal to read every day.  If you are already reading every day, set a goal to read just a little bit more.  Write this goal in your journal and journal on what you expect to get from a commitment to spend more time in the scriptures.

Nov 2017 Journeyman

The Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ


1 - Read these articles, The Way Home and Restored Truth

2 - Put the following on your timeline:

     - Joseph Smith is born
     - Joseph Smith's 1st vision
     - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized

3 - Watch this video of Joseph Smith's 1st vision 



From the book "Our Heritage", found online here; choose one of the following chapters to read and come prepared to teach the class what you learned.  Be creative and exciting.  Do not bore us!  E-mail Sis. Fontano what chapter you choose so that we don't double up.
  • Establishing the Foundations of the Church -Paige
  • Building the Kingdom in Kirtland, Ohio-Luke
  • Establishing Zion in Missouri- Kate
  • Sacrifice and Blessings in Nauvoo- Tara
  • Faith in Every Footstep- Sarah
  • Establishing an Ensign to the Nations-Jessica
  • A Period of Trials and Testing- Mack
  • The Expanding Church
  • The Worldwide Church
  • The Present-day Church

Elder Robert D. Hales said: 

"I testify that the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith is the Savior’s work. In the Lord’s service the path is not always easy. It often requires sacrifices, and we will likely experience adversity. But in serving Him, we discover that His hand is truly over us. So it was for Wycliffe, Tyndale, and thousands of others who prepared the way for the Restoration. So it was for the Prophet Joseph Smith and all who helped usher in the restored gospel."

How does it feel knowing that the Heavenly Father was laying the pieces for the Restoration of the Gospel for hundreds of years before Joseph Smith was born?  That the Lord's hand was in the exploration of new lands and the establishment of new governments so that all of the pieces would be in just the right place when a farm boy asked God which church was the right one to join?  

Journal for 20 minutes on what this means to you.  What does having the gospel in your life mean to you?  Say a prayer of gratitude for all that you have to be thankful for today.

Nov 2017 Master


Read the book "Fire in the Bones" by S. Michael Wilcox



Answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss in class:
  • How was Tyndale prepared for his life’s work?
  • What kind of a person was Tyndale?
  • What was Tyndale’s grand obsession?
  • Did the people want the bible in their own language?
  • What were some of the doctrines that Tyndale supported that were the most offensive to those opposed to the translations into English?
  • What did we loose because of the death of Tyndale?
  • What was something you learned while reading the book that especially impressed you or interested you?
  • How strong is my testimony of what I believe? Am I willing to stand up for it?
  • What lessons can we learn from the life of William Tyndale?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Oct 2017 Apprentice

October 2017 Apprentice

"Path to the Light"
World Exploration


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 28 (only the part about Ferdinand and Isabella), 31, 40, 41 
and Vol. 3 Ch. 4, 6, 24 (only the part about Capt. Cook) 

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book

3 - Define the following in your commonplace book:
     - Northwest Passage
     - Conquistadors
     - New World
     - Old World
     - Spanish Inquisition

4 - Read this article by Elder Robert D Hales from Oct 2005.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.



- Prepare a 3-5 minute presentation on one of the following explorers.  E-mail Sis. Fontano who you choose, each person will have 2 people presenting. We will be splitting into 2 groups to present. (  

Teach us more information that what we learned in our readings.   

Talk to use about the following:
     - What motivated them to explore?  
     - What kept them going when times got tough?  
     - Did they find what they were looking for?
     - Use maps to show their routes

     - Christopher Columbus- Kate Mulder and Mack Fontano
     - Amerigo Vespucci- Tara Fontano and Isa Maurer
     - Magellan- Jayson Fontano
     - Vasco da Gama Jessica Brown and Anthony Wells
     - Hernando de Soto ElenaMaurer
     - Coronado Luke Mulder
     - Cortez- Jaykob Fontano and Daisy Millington
     - Sir Walter Raleigh Sarah Barber and Benjamin Mulder
     - John Cabot Megan Wells
     - Jacques Cartier Jessica Brown and Paige Martin
     - Samuel Champlain-Sam Eagar and Kylee Martin
     - Henry Hudson Harmony Siufanua and Amanda Wells
     - The Mayflower and the Pilgrims Jacob Harding and Caleb Martin
     - Captain James Cook Chris Eagar


 - Pretend you are an explorer ready to make a sea voyage.  What things do you need to prepare?  Write a journal entry as an explorer detailing a day in the life aboard ship and the good things and bad things that happen.   Be ready to read it to the class.

- Make a model of a historic exploration ship and bring it to class to teach us about it in class.

- How did explorers during this age navigate?  Learn about navigation during this age and come to class to teach us about it.  Bring visual aids to explain.    


In his book, The Great Prologue (1975), Elder Mark E. Petersen quoted Christopher Columbus saying, 

“God gave me the faith, and afterwards the courage.”

How do faith and courage work together?  Have you ever had an experience where you needed both faith and courage to do something?  Write about this quote in our journal for 20 minutes.  Then set a goal of how you can have more faith and courage to beat the obstacles you will encounter in your life.

Oct 2017 Journeyman

The Exploration of South America


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 32, 33
and Vol. 3 Ch. 34, 35

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book

3 - Watch these 2 videos about what was going on in California during this era:

     - Initial Conquest
     - The Mission Era

4 - Read about the The Dominguez-Escalante Expedition of 1776 here.


Come prepared to go on a hike.

Oct 2017 Master


Read the book, "The King's Fifth" by Scott O'Dell



Analyze the character of Esteban at the beginning of the novel and at the end.  How did he change?  What made him change?  Was his change for the best or not?   

Think about all of the explorers you've learned about this week.  What were their motives to explore.  Make a list.  Some were good and some were bad.  

Analyze the characters of Father Fransisco and Zia.  Did they change?  

Be prepared to come to class and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the character (moral compass) of these character and what you can do to develop a deep and unwavering character in your life.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sept 2017 Vision Day Inspirements

Sept 2017 Vision Day

"Brought forth out of darkness"
Transition to the Renaissance


1 - Review the state of the world in 1215 here.

2 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Chapters 25, 26, 34 (only about Henry VIII) 
and Vol. 3 Ch. 12, 31

3 - Watch the episode of "American Ride: The New World" found here

4 - Using the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy write these terms and definition on a piece of paper.  We will glue that paper into your commonplace book on Vision Day.  We will be giving you a commonplace book.
     - Black death
     - Johann Gutenberg
     - Hundreds Year War
     - Joan of Arc
     - Renaissance
     - British Empire
     - Commonwealth

5- Read the Young Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews.  We will be discussing this on Vision Day.



- Choose 1 of the following kings or queens of England.  Dress up as this person and be prepared to present a 3-5 minute presentation on them to the class.  E-mail Sis.Fontano who you choose so we don't double up.  You will be presenting during our Kings Feast.  Make it engaging.  DRESS UP!!!  Juggling or other entertainment win bonus points.  Bring your costume, you will have time to change before the feast.

Make sure you tell us:

     - When he/she lived
     - How this ruler inherited the throne
     - Any major wars/problems that happened during his/her reign
     - Did he/she do anything that we would consider important today?
     - Did the people like this ruler?
     - What was the religious climate of the country under this ruler?

  • EDWARD I 1272 - 1307- Tara Fontano
  • EDWARD II 1307 - deposed 1327-Paige Martin
  • EDWARD III 1327 - 1377
  • RICHARD II 1377 - deposed 1399-Jayson Fontano
  • HENRY IV 1399 - 1413 Jacob Harding
  • HENRY V 1413 - 1422-Kylee Martin
  • HENRY VI 1422 - deposed 1461 -Caleb Martin
  • EDWARD IV 1461- 1483
  • EDWARD V 1483 - 1483 
  • RICHARD III 1483 - 1485 Luke Mulder
  • HENRY VII 1485 - 1509Benjamin Mulder
  • EDWARD VI 1547 - 1553- Megan Wells
  • MARY I (Bloody Mary) 1553 - 1558 Mack Fontano
  • ELIZABETH I 1558-1603 - Isa Maurer
  • JAMES I and VI of Scotland 1603 -1625- Kate Mulder
  • CHARLES 1 1625 - 1649 -Anthony Wells
  • OLIVER CROMWELL, Lord Protector 1653 - 1658- Harmony
  • CHARLES II 1660 - 1685-Amanda Wells
  • JAMES II and VII of Scotland 1685 - 1688 - Chris Eagar
  • WILLIAM III 1689 - 1702 and MARY II 1689 - 1694 -Jessica Brown
  • ANNE 1702 - 1714- Elena Maurer
  • GEORGE I 1714 -1727- Jaykob Fontano
  • GEORGE II 1727 - 1760 -Sam Eagar
  • GEORGE III 1760 - 1820- Sarah Barber

In the Oct 1994 General Conference, Elder Holland told this story:

"The mid-1600s were a terrible time in England. The Puritan revolutionaries had executed a king, and political life—including Parliament—was in total chaos. A typhus epidemic turned the whole island into a hospital. The great plague, followed by the great fire, would turn it into a morgue.

In Leicestershire, there is a very small church with a plaque on the wall which reads: “In the year of 1653, when all things sacred were … either demolished or profaned, Sir Robert Shirley, [built] this church; whose singular praise it is, To have done the best things in the worst times, and hoped them in the most calamitous.”

Sir Robert Shirley was able to "do the best things in the worst times" and bring light into the darkness of the world surrounding him by building a beautiful church.   How can you bring light out of the darkness in your life?  Journal for 20 minutes on what you can do to stay positive and find light in your life even when things seem their darkest.  Commit to do one thing each day this week to brighten the world around you.