Friday, March 31, 2017

April Journeyman

Welcome to the very last History Journeyman class. I know, it's sad. There’s just so much stuff I wanted to do! This week, we’re going to be learning how to do indexing. Indexing is a great way to do family history, and honestly, it's kind of addicting. First, you say just one project, then maybe just one more, but oh look, that one isn't in cursive, so maybe I'll do just that one...

If you already know how you don’t have to watch all the videos. Instead, I’d like you to spend at least 15 minutes doing indexing and/or family search.

Watch the following videos
Here is an introduction to Indexing. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and it should be there.
Here is an instruction video.

Indexing requires you to download the program. Make sure you check with your parents that it's okay first. Here is the link. Go to it and download the program.

Once you have done that, try it out! Look for a simple project and do it. If you can't read cursive, you can specifically pick ones that were printed on a typewriter. SO AWESOME!

Image result for warning awesomeness ahead

And just for fun, I found a few family history games you can play online.

Ancestor memory match is here
Scrambled family tree game is here

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Three Spinners

The Three Spinners

Es ist nun schon lange her, da lebte ein König, dessen Weisheit im ganzen Lande berühmt war. Nichts blieb ihm unbekannt, und es war, als ob ihm Nachricht von den verborgensten Dingen durch die Luft
zugetragen würde. Er hatte aber eine seltsame Sitte. Jeden Mittag, wenn von der Tafel alles abgetragen und niemand mehr zugegen war, mußte ein vertrauter Diener noch eine Schüssel bringen. Sie war aber zugedeckt, und der Diener wußte selbst nicht, was darin lag, und kein Mensch wußte es, denn der König deckte sie nicht eher auf und aß nicht davon, bis er ganz allein war.

Das hatte schon lange Zeit gedauert, da überkam eines Tages den Diener, der die Schüssel wieder wegtrug, die Neugierde, daß er nicht widerstehen konnte, sondern die Schüssel in seine Kammer brachte. Als er die Tür sorgfältig verschlossen hatte, hob er den Deckel auf, und da sah er, daß eine weiße Schlange darin lag. Bei ihrem Anblick konnte er die Lust nicht zurückhalten, sie zu kosten; er schnitt ein Stückchen davon ab und steckte es in den Mund.

Kaum aber hatte es seine Zunge berührt, so hörte er vor seinem Fenster ein seltsames Gewisper von feinen Stimmen. Er ging hin und horchte, da merkte er, daß es die Sperlinge waren, die miteinander sprachen und sich allerlei erzählten, was sie im Felde und Walde gesehen hatten. Der Genuß der Schlange hatte ihm die Fähigkeit verliehen, die Sprache der Tiere zu verstehen.

Nun trug es sich zu, daß gerade an diesem Tage der Königin ihr schönster Ring fortkam und auf den vertrauten Diener, der überall Zugang hatte, der Verdacht fiel, er habe ihn gestohlen. Der König ließ ihn vor sich kommen und drohte ihm unter heftigen Scheltworten, wenn er bis morgen den Täter nicht zu nennen wüßte, so sollte er dafür angesehen und ge- richtet werden. Es half nichts, daß er seine Unschuld beteuerte, er wurde mit keinem besseren Bescheid entlassen.


A woman beats her lazy daughter for refusing to spin, but is embarrassed when the queen (who's passing by, just for kicks) asks what's going on.  The woman lies and says her daughter is crazy about spinning and she can't actually afford enough flax.  It turns out the queen is really into spinning, so she takes the girl to her castle, puts her in a room of flax, and says that if she spins it all she can marry the prince. Understandably, the maiden spends a lot of time crying. Luckily, three super-ugly women show up and promise to help her if she'll acknowledge them as guests at the wedding.  Perfect. She agrees, everything gets spun, and the maiden gets to marry the prince. Her three "cousins" show up and are so tremendously ugly that everyone's like, ew.  They explain that each of their defects is related to spinning, so that the bridegroom promises that his lovely new bride will never have to spin again. And she lives lazily ever after.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March Master Class

 Master Class

What traditions, customs, religion, social systems did ancient China have?  How do they differ to what they have now?

This month for master class, I'd like you to delve more into what China was really like.  Here are some topics to look into:

Ancient marriage customs
Ancient burial customs
Ancient religious customs
Ancient rituals
Ancient Chinese inventions
Ancient Chinese calligraphy
Ancient China social customs (i.e. foot binding)
Ancient Chinese instruments

This is just the tip of the iceburg.  There is a lot of information out there. 

Your assignment is to fill a couple pages of information about China, then pick a topic to share and research that. Then on Thursday come prepared to share.  Read as much information you can. :)

Friday, March 10, 2017

Ezra T Benson 1961

An excerpt from
The American Heritage of Freedom—A Plan of God
Elder Ezra Taft Benson
Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1961, pp. 69-75

My brethren and sisters and friends, in keeping with the spirit of the keynote address of our beloved President, I desire, if the Lord will bless me, to speak to you about the American heritage of freedom—a plan of God.

I direct my remarks particularly to the men of America and more especially to those in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who hold the Holy Priesthood of God.

Every member of the priesthood should understand the divine plan designed by the Lord to raise up the first free people in modern times. Here is how scripture says it was achieved:

First: Prophecy is abundant that God deliberately kept the American continent hidden until after the Holy Roman Empire had been broken up and the various nations had established themselves as independent kingdoms. Keeping America hidden until this time was no accident (2 Ne. 1:6,8).

Second: At the proper time, God inspired Columbus to overcome almost insurmountable odds to discover America and bring this rich new land to the attention of the gentiles in Europe (1 Ne. 13:12; Admiral of the Ocean Sea, by Dr. Samuel Eliot Morison, pp. 46-47).

Third: God revealed to his ancient American prophets that shortly after the discovery of America there would be peoples in Europe who would desire to escape the persecution and tyranny of the Old World and flee to America (1 Ne. 13:13-16).

Fourth: God told his prophets that the kingdoms in Europe would try to exercise dominion over the people who had fled to America, but that in the wars for independence the American settlers would win. (This is a remarkable prophecy in that 2,300 years before the Revolutionary War was fought, God through his prophets predicted who would win it) (1 Ne. 13:16-19).

Fifth: The prophets were told that in the latter days when the gentiles came to America they would establish it as a land of liberty on which there would be no kings. The Lord declared that he would protect the land and whosoever would try to establish kings either from within or without would perish (2 Ne. 10:8-14).

Sixth: Having declared America to be a land of liberty, God undertook to raise up a band of inspired and intelligent leaders who could write a constitution of liberty and establish the first free people in modern times. The hand of God in this undertaking is clearly indicated by the Lord himself in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith in these words

". . . I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose" (D&C 101:80).

Seventh: God declared that the United States Constitution was divinely inspired for the specific purpose of eliminating bondage and the violation of the rights and protection which belongs to "all flesh" (D&C 101:77-80).

Eighth: God placed a mandate upon his people to befriend and defend the constitutional laws of the land and see that the rights and privileges of all mankind are protected. He verified the declaration of the founding fathers, that God created all men free. He also warned against those who would enact laws encroaching upon the sacred rights and privileges of free men. He urged the election of honest and wise leaders and said that evil men and laws were of Satan (D&C 98:5-10).

Ninth: God predicted through his prophets that this great gentile nation, raised up on the American continent in the last days, would become the richest and most powerful nation on the face of the earth; even "above all other nations" (see (1 Ne. 13:15,30; Ether 2:12).

Tenth: Concerning the United States, the Lord revealed to his prophets that its greatest threat would be a vast, worldwide "secret combination" which would not only threaten the United States but also seek to "overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries" (Ether 8:25).

Eleventh: In connection with attack on the United States, the Lord told the Prophet Joseph Smith there would be an attempt to overthrow the country by destroying the Constitution. Joseph Smith predicted that the time would come when the Constitution would hang, as it were, by a thread, and at that time "this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction." (Journal History, Brigham Young's Speech, July 4, 1854.)

It is my conviction that the elders of Israel, widely spread over the nation, will at that crucial time successfully rally the righteous of our country and provide the necessary balance of strength to save the institutions of constitutional government.

Twelfth: The Lord revealed to the Prophet Nephi that he established the gentiles on this land to be a free people forever, that if they were a righteous nation and overcame the wickedness and secret abominations which would arise in their midst, they would inherit the land forever (1 Ne. 14:1-2).

Thirteenth: But on the other hand, if the gentiles on this land reject the word of God and conspire to overthrow liberty and the Constitution, then their doom is fixed, and they ". . . shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant" (1 Ne. 14:6; 3 Ne. 21:11,14,21; D&C 84:114-115,117).

Fourteenth: The great destructive force which was to be turned loose on the earth and which the prophets for centuries have been calling the "abomination of desolation" (Matt. 24:15) is vividly described by those who saw it in vision. Ours is the first generation to realize how literally these prophecies can be fulfilled now that God, through science, has unlocked the secret to thermonuclear reaction.

In the light of these prophecies there should be no doubt in the mind of any priesthood holder that the human family is headed for trouble. There are rugged days ahead. It is time for every man who wishes to do his duty to get himself prepared—physically, spiritually, and psychologically—for the task which may come at any time, as suddenly as the whirlwind.

Where do we stand today? All over the world the light of freedom is being diminished. Across whole continents of the earth freedom is being totally obliterated.

Yes, perilous times are ahead, but if we do our duty in all things, God will give us inner peace and overrule all things for our good. God grant it may be so, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


March Apprentice Class


Read: Story of the World Vol. 1, chapters 32-33, and Vol. 2, 8-10 & 17 and 21-23.  (Read all chapters that are on China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.)


Now that we have an overview of what it was like in China, I want you to look up at least 5 dates for things that were interesting to you, and label them on your timeline.

Note cards:
For this month, instead of giving you more note cards, I want you to go back and check if there are any cards you haven't written.  So go back over the previous months and get whatever you missed written on cards.

Now go study your cards and play a game with someone to drill them!  The Fontano's use their note cards in their car, how do you use yours?  If you can think of a fun way to drill the cards; come to class to teach us how to play, or to tell us what you do to drill them. :)


For class I want each family to pick two dynasties to study and present.  Since we have 6 families in our Vanguard I'll have my family do something else.  (I'm thinking we'll study up on Japan, New Zealand, and Australia just to get those in.)  Come to class prepared with at least 5 minutes of a presentation with pictures and anything else that would make it fun.  (Some examples of things you can use is Powerpoint, showing a video, make something or show something that could've been used during that dynasty, make a skit, write a poem to tell, write a story to read to the class, bring food that they ate, anything really!)

Brown family- Song, Yuan Dynasties

  Let me know which two dynasties you're presenting, and I'll post it on the blog so we don't overlap.  Make sure you write in your commonplace book as you're preparing your presentations!  Jot down any thoughts, feelings that pop into your mind.  After reading about China I couldn't help but remember the book The Red Scarf Girl.  I'm excited to discuss it!  

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

History Journeyman

Image result for old shoes photographyImage result for red slippersImage result for puss in boots boots

This week we're going to walk in someone else's shoes. Pick a living relative, like one of your parents or grandparents. Go ask them what the hardest thing they have ever had to live through was. Ask them how they grew from it and what they learned from it. Ask them what shoes they were wearing at the time (just kidding).

Watch this video.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget that your ancestors aren't names on a tree, they are people who lived and loved and went through hard things. They aren't just links in a chain, connecting them to you. That being said, I'd like you to make a chain of paper links. Pick an ancestor and try to find out as much as you can about them. Make a chain, and on each link, write something they did, or a fact about them. Make your chain at least 6 links long. Whoever has the longest chain gets a treat!

Also, make sure you get some family history done on FamilySearch, if you can.

What LDS Prophets Have Said About America's Founding

What LDS Prophets Have Said About America's Founding
Compiled by Kelsey Berteaux

President Joseph Smith

The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner; it is to all those who are privileged with the sweets of liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a thirsty and weary land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun.


President Brigham Young
July 4, 1854

“The signers of the Declaration of Independence and the framers of the Constitution were inspired from on high to do that work.”


President John Taylor
April 8, 1883

“It was by and through the power of God, that the fathers of this country framed the Declaration of Independence, and also that great palladium of human rights, the Constitution of the United States.”  


President Wilford Woodruff
April 1898

“Those men who laid the foundation of this American government and signed the Declaration of Independence were the best spirits the God of heaven could find on the face of the earth.   They were choice spirits, not wicked men.   General Washington and all the men that labored for the purpose were inspired of the Lord.” 


President Lorenzo Snow

“We trace the hand of the Almighty in framing the constitution of our land, and believe that the Lord raised up men purposely for the accomplishment of this object, raised them up and inspired them to frame the Constitution of the United States.”


President Joseph F. Smith
October 1912

“I hope with all my soul that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be loyal in their very hearts and souls, to the principles of the Constitution of our country. From them we have derived the liberty that we enjoy. They have been the means of guaranteeing to the foreigner that has come within our gates, and to the native born, and to all the citizens of this country, the freedom and liberty that we possess. We cannot go back upon such principles as these.”


President Heber J. Grant
October 1936

“From my childhood days I have understood that we believe absolutely that the Constitution of our country was an inspired instrument, and that God directed those who created it and those who defended the independence of this nation. In other words, that He fought with Washington and others in the Revolutionary War.”


President George Albert Smith
April 1949

“The Lord himself said that he raised up the very men who framed the Constitution of the United States and directed that membership of this Church should pray for and sustain those who represented the Constitution of this land.

“[. . .] You know, and I know, that the Ten Commandments contain the will of our Heavenly Father, and I am grateful, not only for the civil laws but also for the laws God has given us. I feel bound to conform my life to the teachings of the Ten Commandments. I feel equally bound to sustain the Constitution of the United States which came from the same source as the Ten Commandments. Unless the people of this great nation can realize these things and repent, they may forfeit the liberty that they now enjoy, and the blessings that are so multiplied among us.”


David O. McKay
October 1939

“Next to being one in worshiping God there is nothing in this world upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.”


Joseph Fielding Smith
April 1943

"Our government came into existence through divine guidance.   The inspiration of the Lord rested upon the patriots who established it, and inspired them through the dark days of their struggle for independence and through the critical period which followed that struggle when they framed our glorious Constitution which guarantees to all the self-evident truth proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, “that all men are created equal: that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


President Harold B. Lee

“It was to accomplish this lofty purpose basic to all liberty that God “established the Constitution of this land by the hands of wise men whom (he) raised up unto this very purpose” (D&C 101:77–80). Contained within the principles of that great heaven-inspired document is the message of this Church to the world in this fateful hour. Except the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and principles contained within the Constitution of the United States are inherent in world plans now being formulated, they are but building on sand and the Lord is not in that building.”


President Spencer W. Kimball
September 6, 1977

“This restoration was preceded by a long period of preparation. The Pilgrims and other Europeans were inspired to find this American haven of refuge and thus people this land with honest and God-fearing citizens. Washington and his fellows were inspired to revolt from England and bring political liberty to this land, along with the more valuable treasure of religious liberty so that the soil might be prepared for the seed of the truth when it should again be sown”


President Ezra Taft Benson
October 1944

“Yes, the early leaders and the people generally of this great nation recognized the necessity for spiritual support if the nation was to endure. They gave humble expression to this conviction in the inscription, ‘In God We Trust’ found on the coins of the land. The holy Sabbath was a day of rest and worship. Religious devotion in the home was a common practice. Family prayer, reading of the holy scriptures, and the singing of hymns were an everyday occurrence. There is every evidence that ‘our fathers looked to God for their direction.’

“In framing that great document which Gladstone declared ‘the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man,’ our early leaders our early leaders called upon a kind Providence. Later the product of the constitutional convention was referred to as our God-inspired Constitution. They had incorporated within its sacred paragraphs eternal principles supported by the holy scriptures with which they were familiar. It was established ‘for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles.’


President Howard W. Hunter
March 8, 1966

“Christianity in its fullness and truth has been restored to the earth by direct revelation. The restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most significant fact since the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What was restored? In a very real sense, the true Law of the Harvest was restored – the law of justice, the law of mercy, the law of love. It was restored in a free country under the influence of a God-inspired Constitution which created a climate of freedom, opportunity and prosperity. The basic virtues of thrift, self-reliance, independence, enterprise, diligence, integrity, morality, faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, were the principles upon which this, the greatest nation in the world, has been built. We must not sell this priceless, divine heritage which was largely paid for by the blood of patriots and prophets for a mess of pottage, for a counterfeit, a false doctrine parading under the cloak of love and compassion, of humanitarianism, even of Christianity.”


President Gordon B. Hinckley
August 1999

“Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were brought forth under the inspiration of God to establish and maintain the freedom of the people of this nation. I said it, and I believe it to be true. There is a miracle in its establishment that cannot be explained in any other way.”


President Thomas S. Monson
September 17, 2002

“Let us pause and reflect upon the many blessings we as Americans have received from our Constitution and the debt of gratitude we owe those heroic signers. As we do so, we might also recognize that freedom is not free. Sacrifice has been required to protect and to preserve the very freedoms we cherish.”