Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Nov 2017 Apprentice

November 2017 Apprentice

"Light of Christ"
The Reformation


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 34, 36

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book

3 - Define the following in your commonplace book:
     - Indulgence
     - Reformation
     - Counter Reformation

4 - Read the article, "Preparing for the Restoration", found here.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.

5 - Read ONE of the following articles and come prepared to discuss it in class.   Journal about your favorite parts in your commonplace book:  (if you would like a well rounded education, you can read them all.)



Choose 1 of the following and do  a 3-5 minute presentation on it for the class.  E-mail Sis. Fontano who you choose so we don't double up. (sarafontano8@gmail.com)  

  • Nonconformists
  • Lutherans-Ben
  • Methodists-Luke
  • Baptists-Daisy
  • Mennonites- Kate
  • Presbyterian
  • Protestant-Sarah
  • Quakers-Kylee
  • Puritans-Jessica
  • Anglicans-Chris
  • John Wesley-Tara
  • John Wycliffe-Mack
  • John Hus
  • Savonarola-Paige
  • Peter Waldo-Amanda
  • John Calvin-Sam
  • John Knox-Caleb
  • Martin Luther-Jaykob
  • William Tyndale-Jayson
  • Huldrych Zwingli


Elder Robert D. Hales said this of the scriptures:

"As with voices from the dust, the prophets of the Lord cry out to us on earth today: take hold of the scriptures! Cling to them, walk by them, live by them, rejoice in them, feast on them. Don’t nibble. They are “the power of God unto salvation” that lead us back to our Savior Jesus Christ."

How important are the scriptures to you?  How often do you use them?  Are they sitting on your shelf gathering dust?  

Find 2 quotes from leaders of the church about the scriptures.  How often should we be reading in them?  Why?

Set a goal to do better.  If you are reading every week, set a goal to read every day.  If you are already reading every day, set a goal to read just a little bit more.  Write this goal in your journal and journal on what you expect to get from a commitment to spend more time in the scriptures.

Nov 2017 Journeyman

The Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ


1 - Read these articles, The Way Home and Restored Truth

2 - Put the following on your timeline:

     - Joseph Smith is born
     - Joseph Smith's 1st vision
     - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized

3 - Watch this video of Joseph Smith's 1st vision 



From the book "Our Heritage", found online here; choose one of the following chapters to read and come prepared to teach the class what you learned.  Be creative and exciting.  Do not bore us!  E-mail Sis. Fontano what chapter you choose so that we don't double up.
  • Establishing the Foundations of the Church -Paige
  • Building the Kingdom in Kirtland, Ohio-Luke
  • Establishing Zion in Missouri- Kate
  • Sacrifice and Blessings in Nauvoo- Tara
  • Faith in Every Footstep- Sarah
  • Establishing an Ensign to the Nations-Jessica
  • A Period of Trials and Testing- Mack
  • The Expanding Church
  • The Worldwide Church
  • The Present-day Church

Elder Robert D. Hales said: 

"I testify that the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith is the Savior’s work. In the Lord’s service the path is not always easy. It often requires sacrifices, and we will likely experience adversity. But in serving Him, we discover that His hand is truly over us. So it was for Wycliffe, Tyndale, and thousands of others who prepared the way for the Restoration. So it was for the Prophet Joseph Smith and all who helped usher in the restored gospel."

How does it feel knowing that the Heavenly Father was laying the pieces for the Restoration of the Gospel for hundreds of years before Joseph Smith was born?  That the Lord's hand was in the exploration of new lands and the establishment of new governments so that all of the pieces would be in just the right place when a farm boy asked God which church was the right one to join?  

Journal for 20 minutes on what this means to you.  What does having the gospel in your life mean to you?  Say a prayer of gratitude for all that you have to be thankful for today.

Nov 2017 Master


Read the book "Fire in the Bones" by S. Michael Wilcox



Answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss in class:
  • How was Tyndale prepared for his life’s work?
  • What kind of a person was Tyndale?
  • What was Tyndale’s grand obsession?
  • Did the people want the bible in their own language?
  • What were some of the doctrines that Tyndale supported that were the most offensive to those opposed to the translations into English?
  • What did we loose because of the death of Tyndale?
  • What was something you learned while reading the book that especially impressed you or interested you?
  • How strong is my testimony of what I believe? Am I willing to stand up for it?
  • What lessons can we learn from the life of William Tyndale?