January 2018 Apprentice

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book
3 - Define the following in your commonplace book:
- Enlightenment
- Age of Reason
- French & Indian War
- indentured servant
4 - Read this article by Elder Robert D Hales from Oct 2005. Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.
5 - Watch this video. It pulls it all together and gets us up to speed.
OPTIONAL: Watch this series: "Crash Course US History". (Episodes 1-5 get up to this point in history. Each episode is about 12 minutes long.) It's pretty entertaining, but beware that he's a little irreverent and sarcastic. He also talks really fast! But I learned a lot from it.

- Make and bring a food (one dish per family) that could have been served at the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth. We will be having the First Thanksgiving at lunch today. Make sure you do your research, they didn't have things like pie crust in the 1600's. Make it authentic.
- Make a model or large map of one of the early colonies (Plymouth, Jamestown, St. Augustine, New Amsterdam, etc). Bring it to class to show and explain.
- Do a hero report on one of the colony leaders during this time period. Dress up like that person and come prepared to present in class.
- Write a journal entry as someone who lived in one of the early American colonies. Describe your daily life, what you do and eat? Where you live, etc? Do your research and give us a lot of details, but don't bore us. Bring it to read to the class.
Elder Hales said:

The Lord expects us to be as faithful, as devoted, as courageous as those who went before us. They were called to give their lives for the gospel. We are called to live our lives for the same purpose. In these last days we have special reason to do so.
Before that sacred night in Bethlehem [when the Savior was born], the events of history and the words of the prophets of all dispensations prepared the way for the first coming of the Lord and His Atonement. Similarly, history and prophecy laid the groundwork for the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Do we have eyes to see that the events and prophecies of our time are preparing us for the Savior’s Second Coming?"
As we study history, we see that every major event that happens is either working towards or because of an important event in the Kingdom of God on the earth. He has a plan fro the beginning and we see His hand as things progress to His end, the Second Coming of the Savior.
Look in your scriptures for signs of the Savior's second coming. Journal about how you are preparing the earth for his reign. How are you living your life for the gospel of Christ?