Read: The Story of the World vol. 1 chapters 30,31,34,35-42.
The Story of the World vol. 2 chapters 4,5,6,7,12.
It's kind of tedious to skip chapters, but if this helps just read the chapters about Rome, India, and Islam. The other chapters about Christianity, and China will come later. Just go as far as chapter 12 in volume 2 and you'll have gone far enough.
Put these on note cards:
Pax Romana
Julius Caesar- I came, I Saw, I Conquered
Attila the Hun
Ottoman Empire
Persian Empire
Now that you have an overview of what was going on in the world we're going to study up on India.

Part one
Part two
Part three
The Middle East is also apart of what we're studying this month, and I have found out that most of what we're learning for that region is about Islam. So here is a history video about Islam.


Also let me know what you're presenting and I'll put it on the blog so that we don't overlap. Thanks!!
Now I want you to get out your timelines! This is where the real fun begins! Take your timeline and tape it on a wall. Take your note cards (ALL NOTE CARDS) and label them on your timeline if you can. If you have time, make your timeline awesome by color coding it, or adding pictures! Anything to make it yours and help you remember better.
Now that you've read and studied make sure to discuss with your parents about what you learned. And also write in your journal about what you've learned and how it's changed your perception of how things are in the world.
Now time for a game!!!
At class we're going to play a timeline game so come prepared to play. I'll have a prize ready for the team that wins so make sure you've got your timeline buried in your brain! :D Also make sure to bring them to class. Or if you'd rather not take it off your wall, take a picture of it and send it to me and I'll show the class! I'm excited to see what you've done with them!
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